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Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

Post 3: My pets

 Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk about Voldy, it is my only pet and I have it with me one year ago. It is white and is really aloof, it does not like that the persons stroke it even I have received some bites for it jaja, is very difficult take out of its home but it like a lot walks for the tubes that it has in the cage. Also is very difficult take it photographs but I will put the photography of Voldy´s house. Voldy´s house I got it thanks to my aunt, she informed me about a relative of her husband that was giving Hamster in adoption and I said her immediately that I wanted one. Voldy is very important for me because is the first pet that I can have since that live in my actual house, it is very small and for this is difficult have a pet or a cat, nine years ago I didn´t have a pet :(  for this Voldy is very special. Also, I love see when Voldy walks happy for the tubes, this relax me. Thank you for reading me!